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Our Services - ELDIK inc Warning: qtranxf_postsFilter(): Argument #2 ($query) must be passed by reference, value given in /home/eldiedfe/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324
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Our Services

Stretch Ceilings

Eldrik Inc produces and installs stretch ceiling made of PVC membrane. This technology allows quickly and reliably transforming the interior design.

The installation starts with assembling an aluminium or plastic profile around the perimeter of a room. The profile type would depend on your chosen design. Then a special stretched fabric is fixed on the profile. There’s no need for any specific preparation of the base layer because after the fabric is installed, the rough ceiling will not be visible. Any irregularities will be hidden, and, where appropriate, we’ll also cover engineering and communications systems.

Stretched ceilings have the following advantages:

  • Simple maintenance. The vinyl membrane can be easily cleaned with a sponge or wet cloth with a small amount of cleaning agent.
  • A wide range of colors and textures.
  • Water-proof. PVC will protect your apartment from flooding because it can hold up to a hundred liters of water. After the liquid is drained, a ceiling would resume its previous shape.
  • Installation is done without excessive waste, and you don’t have to move out or remove your furniture.

Any Possible Lighting Type

Eldik Inc offers a wide selection of lighting options. We can install lightning configurations of any type. There’s really vast range of lighting equipment for stretch ceilings. The number or options is much larger than for traditional decoration approaches. Stretch ceilings allow not only creating a feeling of comfort and originality in your room, but also changing the perception of its shape and size.

We Create Ceilings of Multiple Levels and Configurations

The stretch ceiling technologies utilized by Eldik Inc allow designing diverse geometric constructions. We offer steplike, conical, arc-shaped, zigzag-shaped and other geometry solutions. Framework characteristics create possibilities for experimenting with geometry and number of layers. The Eldik Inc specialists are guided by the world’s foremost experience in the stretch ceiling industry, which enables them to easily realize even the most daring ideas of interior designers and our customers.